2015 Photography Exhibition and Results

On Monday 14th December, Beeston Hill St. Luke’s Primary School opened their doors to an exhibition showcasing the finalists of the KS2 photography competition. This exhibition has been organised in it’s entirety by members of the ‘Digital Leaders’ initiative; a group of students tasked with helping pupils and teachers with technology and promoting Computing throughout the school.

Parents were welcomed by the ‘Digital Leaders’ who acted as guides and explained how to scan QR codes. Once the visitors had decided on a favourite, they could cast their vote using a survey on the iPad.


All pupils in KS2 were also invited to the exhibition to cast their votes. The results of the survey were collated and the top 3 were separated by just 2 points! And the winners are….

Ryan 56C

Harshita 6L

Alfie 6L

An extremely successful event with all aspects organised by the pupils themselves, even the letters out to parents.

Thank you Digital Leaders.

Categories: Computing Blog