The Resourced Provision is intended for up to 10 pupils who present with social and communication difficulties associated with Autism.
Admission to this provision can only be made after the granting of an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). This means that the school is named as part of this process, at the annual review or at the ‘Next Steps’ meeting.
School does not decide on admission but places are set by SENSAP which is a panel arranged by the LEA to determine place allocation.
The admission criteria is as follows:
- The child has an Educational and Health Care Plan.
- Children must be able to access the provision with an ideal ratio of 1:2 adult to children.
- Evidence is required which supports that the child is operating below national curriculum levels and experiencing significant barriers to learning.
There is evidence that pupils would benefit from a resourced provision attached to a main school and need access to;
- Staff experienced working with the needs of children with ASD.
- Individualised programmes of learning in small groups with a curriculum designed to meet individual complex needs.
- A specifically designed low arousal classroom environment.
- Play based learning that meets the early stages of development.
- Specialised resources such as a sensory room and a safe, low stimulus area.
- Sensory sessions in order to reduce anxiety levels.
Pupils admitted will be additional to the school roll but will have links to their chronological year group where this is appropriate e.g. they may attend school trips or practical lessons such as PE. It is the expectation that pupils will spend the majority or all of the school day in the Resourced Provision. The appropriateness of the provision will be considered at each annual review of the child’s EHCP.
Transition programmes will be put in place prior to admission and once a placement has been confirmed. This is best organised between the SENCo/Manager of the Provision and appropriate professionals who know the child well. Parents/carers will also be included in these arrangements.