To ensure pupils have a successful and robust transition, pupils will make short visits which will be gradually increased to a full day. Transitions will be discussed with parents and key staff in the pupils current provision with the aim of being flexible around pupil’s individual needs to minimise any anxieties and disruption to the pupil’s education. Parents will be contacted on an individual basis to confirm their child’s admission date.
The school follows a range of strategies
- Face to face meetings with staff from your child’s current setting, parents and outside agencies to discuss the child’s needs. (Not currently possible due to COVID-19)
- A short film of the environment will be sent to parents through a secure YouTube link. Parents will be able to share this with their child before they start at the provision.
- A short film clip of the staff who will be working in the Provision will also be shared through a secure YouTube link.
- It is usual practice for a programme of visits to the child’s current setting, however, this is not currently possible due to COVID-19.
- A staged transition for each child. We will aim for the child to attend the provision for a morning, then lunch, gradually building up to a full day.
- Home/school links will be provided either electronically or paper based for example a home/school diary.
Transitioning to other settings
When children are transitioning to other settings e.g. secondary schools, we will send the new setting an ‘All About Me’ film clip about the individual child. The pupils will be filmed participating in their special interests and the clip will also include the children using any strategies which are specific to them e.g. PECS and visual timetables.
We will ensure an individually planned transition programme is designed with the child’s secondary placement to ensure a robust transition.