Our teachers have compiled the following links to educational websites which they think will be most useful to your children.

Early Years


BookTrust – a site with recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, including fiction and non-fiction. Family activities are included in the ‘Home Time’ section.
Love Reading 4 Kids – a site with recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, covering fiction and non-fiction.


Numberblocks – videos for numeracy development designed for children aged 0 to 6. There are fun activities that can be applied to everyday life and play.
White Rose Maths – presentations and downloadable workbooks which are easy to use for parents. New material is being released each week.


Boogie Beebies – videos that get younger children up and dancing with CBeebies presenters.
Disney 10 Minute Shakeups – 10-minute activities based on Disney films that count towards a child’s 60 active minutes per day.

Year 1/2


Purple Mash – A selection of activities to keep skills going.
English Mastery – Sentence writing and spelling activities – there is also a Workbook 2 for when these activities are finished.


Cbeebies Numberblocks – practical activities that are fun.
Learning at home packs – week by week activities that build on prior learning

Year 3/4


BookTrust – a site with recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, including fiction and non-fiction. Family activities are included in the ‘Home Time’ section.
Love Reading 4 Kids – a site with recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, covering fiction and non-fiction.


White rose maths – presentations and downloadable workbooks which are easy to use for parents. New material is being released each week.
Nrich – a range of activities. Some are interactive and some are to be completed offline. Activities are categorised by age range.


BBC Bitesize – interactive resources covering the primary science curriculum.

Year 5/6


Nrich – a range of activities. Some are interactive and some are to be completed offline. Activities are categorised by age range.
Mathematics Mastery – downloadable guidance and resource packs for parents and pupils.
Top Marks – a range of interactive maths games categorised by age group.


Book Trust – a site with recommended booklists, categorised by age range and topic, including fiction and non-fiction. Family activities are included in the ‘Home Time’ section.
Literacy Shed – downloadable resource packs with tasks based on video clips on YouTube.
The Day Newsletter – a daily newsletter for parents and carers at home with children, helping to enrich learning with real-world knowledge and skills.

In addition to the above websites, the links below are useful for all ages:


Free ebooks and Audiobooks with Leeds Library. You will need an account with Leeds Libraries to access this digital library, follow this link to create an account.

Kitaboo – download eBooks

Read with Phonics

EPIC Books – Online reading books

Code.org – computer coding for all ages

Times Tables Rockstars. If your child can’t remember their login, speak to your class teacher.

BrainPop – Educational videos

Top Marks – Games and resources

Phonics Play – Interactive games for learning phonics

BBC Bitesize – Educational videos from the BBC